Ovarian cyst: it is certainly possible for a ovarian cyst to rupture and if with a very small hole, seal over and persist. this is not very concerning as long as the system does not continue to grow or cause pain. continue to monitor your symptoms and follow up with your gynecologist. Consider starting birth control to control the development of cysts.
Answered 5/17/2018
Apparently as it is : In your case.One would hope it eventually resolve w/o intervention.
Answered 5/17/2018
Caution is needed: It is rather difficult to tell from a sonographic exam if a "complex ovarian cyst" is benign (hemorrhagic corpus luteum, an endometrioma, a dermoid or other ) or is a malignant ovarian tumor. Laparoscopic surgery or abdominal exploratory surgery is unfortunately the only reliable way to find out. A careful reevaluation and consultation with a Gyn Oncologist seem advisable at this point.
Answered 1/10/2018
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