A member asked:

62wf. severe pain left shoulder. mri -. 1600mg nsaids a day. 2 mos. no help! diagn: mild tendinitis?can it be lipitor (atorvastatin) se? (on 2yrs). help!!

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Paul Velt answered

Specializes in Diagnostic Radiology

Maybe yes: this is a complex issue. The medications like Lipitor (atorvastatin) are called statins. They can cause serious side effects like muscle pain. It does cause other issues as well. One way to find out is stop the Lipitor (atorvastatin) for say a week and see if the pain goes away. If so then you can talk to your doctor about another anti cholesterol medications. If not then inside the shoulder such as labrum could be the issue.

Answered 8/11/2017



Some thots: Although could be due to rotator cuff issues, the MRI seems to reassure, and thus question of an acute brachial plexitius called Parsonage-Turner, or a referred pain from neck disk, or even a bicipital tendinitis. Localized muscle pain unusual from a statin, far more often bilateral.

Answered 5/18/2015



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