Stress and Anxiety : These can be very disruptive to one's quality of life. The first step is to go see a doctor for an assessment to rule out medical causes of your symptoms such as thyroid dysfunction. The SSRI's are a class of medications used to treat anxiety. Also, having a therapist to talk to can be a big help. We try to limit the use of benzodiazepines to short term use only as they tend be addictive.
Answered 3/16/2018
You received great: advice from Dr. Pyles . Start with a medical evaluation to rule out medical causes of your symptoms. Medications are sometimes indicated. Talking therapy to include Cognitive Behavioral therapy or psychotherapy can be effective. Aim for daily exercise, 8 hours of sleep per night & good nutrition w 5 servings of veggies & 4 of fruit per day. Try tai chi, yoga, Qi Gong, progressive muscle relaxation
Answered 3/16/2018
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