A member asked:

Can i take vicodin the day before surgery? i'm having wisdom teeth pulled and they're putting me to sleep. interaction with vicodin and an anesthetic?

10 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Good Question: Is there really any reason to to take the vicodin the day before surgery? Are you in that much pain that tylenol (acetaminophen) is not working? If so, you need to let your oral surgeon know. In any event, only the person administering the anesthesia can authorize the use of sedatives that could adversely affect your care. Give them a call.

Answered 11/28/2017


Dr. William Jenkins answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

You may and probably: should take the Vicodin. The anesthesiologist will titrate your medication and will probably include a narcotic

Answered 6/3/2015



Med interaction: yes, you may take your Vicodin preoperatively if you have pain.

Answered 2/22/2015



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