A member asked:

My 7yr old son recently had blood tests and all are normal except b12 is high. it was over 1200. not taking any vitamins and gp not following up.

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Look at reference: In the US, the reference range for it B12 for this age is 250-1205 pg/ml. Therefore, if I were to advise on this matter, I would say his level is normal. There are no particular reasons for concerns in mildly elevated levels. Most of the clinical problems arise from inability to absorb this vitamin from the GI tract or in certain extreme diets such a vegan diets without supplementation with B12

Answered 1/29/2015



That's fine: An isolated high B12 never means anything. Reference ranges are set so that a few percent of healthies fall outside on either end. Junior has a slightly increased amount of B12 carrying protein. Relax and be glad he's healthy.

Answered 1/25/2015



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