A member asked:

I have knee pain on the inside, some stiffness when sitting, and sharp buckling pain at times when walking. any idea what's going on?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Thomas Namey answered

Specializes in Rheumatology

Several.: Meniscus (medial). Plica. Medial compartment osteo. Joint "mouse, " ie. Costochrondral fragment. Others. This may need more than a dcotors h&p. Imaging studies are probably needed.

Answered 12/9/2013


Dr. Mark Galland answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Knee problems: Knee pain and stiffness can come from many conditions/ injuries, but with the sensation you describe as "buckling" i would suggest you see a physician to check for ligament or meniscus problems. To start treatment at home begin with rice, and make sure you continue working on your quad strength (like you did after your acl surgery). Hope this helps!

Answered 12/10/2013



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