Insomnia common: Not sleeping at night is a common problem in modern history and is due to many reasons, one of the common is, poor sleep schedule. Sleep hygeine helps; sleep at same time, get up at the same time, do not exercise two hours before exercise and do not eat an hour before sleep, do not watch tv in your bed room or do not watch it to fall asleep. 90% of the time these measure help you, if not call md.
Answered 5/29/2015
Sleep Hygiene: Retire & rise same time each day. Bedroom should be dark & cool - used only for sex & sleep. Turn off tv. No naps. Exercise regularly but not in late evening. No caffeine for 6 hrs & no alcohol or tobacco w/i 2 hrs of sleep. Dinner should be moderate sized & finished at least 2 to 3 hours before sleep. Can try warm milk, chamomile tea or melatonin along w light reading, warm bath, lavender scent.
Answered 12/10/2013
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