A member asked:

How long after teeth extraction/bone graft on left and implant on right side can you safely eat more than liquid or soft food. ?

6 doctors weighed in across 5 answers

Eating solid food : If implants are submerged or bone level the soft tissue will grow over them in couple of days during the healing process and you will be able to resume eating your regular food . Right now avoid hard and spicy food.Please follow the instructions given to you after the surgery.

Answered 11/10/2014



USUALLY 4-7 DAYS : Generally, gently brushing over the area and rinsing with warm salt water starting the day after the surgery usually keeps the area pretty clean. Typically, the patients can gradually advance their diets to a normal diet by the 4-7 day, depending on how they feel.

Answered 8/10/2014



Depends on surgery: It really depends on the nature of the surgeries. If the extraction is healing normally, it is probably safer to eat on that side rather than where an implant was placed. I prefer not to work on both sides of the mouth at the same time, for this reason. It is nice to give a patient one side for function. Sometimes, active infections do not allow this approach and caution is indicated.

Answered 12/20/2014



It depends: The best thing to do is to wait for the tissue to completely close over the wound to be sure the area is sealed. You can check on this yourself. Depending on the difficulty of the extraction and your body's healing this can take a few days or over a week. The wound closure is the most important factor. If bone particles were used, they can shift even after the tissue is closed. Be careful!

Answered 6/9/2015


Dr. Kristin Outlan answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Include Fresh Juices: Many soft food choices are nutritionally sound. Most cannot match the vitamins and minerals found in fresh veggies and some fruits. These can be a challenge right after surgery. I suggest taking advantage of the popular trend of drinking green juices. Adding apple and carrot can make them more palatable. They are nutrient dense and can support tissue healing.

Answered 12/10/2018



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