A member asked:

Is there a scan that can identify, muscle, tendon, or nerve damage closer to spine or ribs, or pinched nerve? i ve chronic backpain & mri was normal?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not really: Mri is the best test to see pinched nerves in the back. If a superficial muscle is suspected to be torn an ultrasound can be done but this is not used for spinal issues. Unfortunately even with all our current technology we don't have tests that see everything. A good physician should be able to diagnose your back pain in spite of the lack of a test to tell.

Answered 3/30/2014


Dr. Mark Weston answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Spine Surgery

No: Thanks for your question have a good physical exam and diagnostic injection can be of great use. Its a problem diagnosing pain without objective testing see experienced pain management doctors to help.

Answered 3/26/2013



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