Many things: Spots on the liver can represent many different things ranging from benign cysts and hemangiomas to tumors. A ct without contrast cannot tell the difference between them easily. Both benign problems and malignant problems are common.
Answered 12/19/2017
It depends: It depends on several things. The most important considerations are age, sex, and other medical problems. In broad terms, these spots could be anything from cysts to hemangiomas (abnormal, non-cancerous blood vessel accumulations) to cancerous tumors. The ct scan should help clarify. Sometimes a biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis if the ct is unclear.
Answered 1/5/2019
Multiple things: "spots" on the liver on a ct scan can be numerous things, most of which are benign. The most common things are simple cysts or a benign vascular lesions such as an hemangioma ( a collection of blood vessels). It is sometimes necessary to do further studies such as contrast ct, ultrasound or MRI so a malignancy can be excluded. All or none of these tests may be necessary, depending on its appearance.
Answered 8/4/2017
Many things: A "spot on the liver" could be many things. If you have no history of cancer anywhere, the most common things could be a simple cyst (benign fluid) or a hemangioma (benign collection of blood). These would be the most common. Other causes could be a primary tumor of the liver or a tumor that spread to the liver from another location. The contrast exam will help them characterize the abnormalit.
Answered 8/4/2017
CT scan: Liver spots following ct can be benign such as: hemangioma, liver adenoma, and a granuloma. Cancer spots diagnosed with ct can be liver cancer or metastatic liver cancer.
Answered 3/12/2020
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