Talk w/endocrinologi: There are several possibilities, from nothing to further surgery to radioactive iodine to long-term thyroid suppression with follow-up. It depends a lot on your finding, lab tests, surgery results, pathology and many other factors. Consult your endocrinologist for more into. This is not something that should be treated by a primary care physician.
Answered 3/7/2013
No short answer: Ptc treatment depends on age, gender, uni or multifocal, affected nodes, and other factors. If only one site, no nodes, <2cm, between 18-45 yrs old, female then surgery alone with ultrasound and blood testing followup sufficient. Multifocal, male, >2cm, <18, >45, extension outside thyroid, positive nodes, tall cell variant then postop radioactive iodine. Consult with endocrine who manages ptc.
Answered 3/17/2017
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5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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