A member asked:

What are some different ways of how to find a doctor or therapist to help a woman start testosterone for gender identity disorder?

13 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Endocrinology: Some endocrinologists treat sexual identity disorder. They typically want to know that a person has been seen by a psychiatrist and is stable in the condition and understands the health impacts of transition to the other gender. Usually referrals from word of mouth are the best way to find a treating endocrinologist.

Answered 6/6/2015



Try this website: Fenwayhealth.Org is the website associated with the fenway clinic (associated with harvard, and provides healthcare for lesbian, gay, transgender). They have helpful information and support group links on that site. Perhaps you can find a reputable dr in your area through their recommendations. Please do not try to order any meds via online websites that sell hormones- not safe!

Answered 11/27/2017



Options: First gid refers to literally not knowing your physical sex. It might be better to call what you are talking about "gender dysphoria." you will need counselling and usually a psych eval, esp. If you plan on surgery. I happen to run an lgbtq psych center in st. Louis. I am sure there are doctors who have similar specialties in other areas. You should see a psychiatrist first.

Answered 4/15/2013



Gender identity D/O: I agree with other physicians , before making the move try to see a mental heath provider for evaluation and counseling.

Answered 11/27/2017



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