A member asked:

Is there evidence that diet changes (minimize sugar/carbs, gluten free etc...) can help a child with adhd?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Johanna Fricke answered

Specializes in Pediatrics - Developmental and Behavioral

Unless a child has: Gluten enteropathy (celiac disease) documented by specific laboratory tests, there's no medical reason to use a gluten-free diet. Likewise, removing milk/milk products is necessary only for a milk protein allergy. There's no scientific evidence of efficacy of dietary manipulation in treatment of core symptoms of adhd., except in a very few who are sensitive to food additives.

Answered 12/2/2016


Dr. Anthony Vertino answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Yes: The most comprehensive diet program - the feingold diet, has a lot of research about its effectiveness. Certain children with add/adhd have been shown to be sensitive to food coloring, sugars and sugar substitutes, and glutens. Some of these children are found to be mildly allergic or hypoglycemic as well.

Answered 5/14/2016



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