Probably normal-: Toeing in can come from 3 possible sources: a hooked foot, a twist in the bone between the knee and ankle, or a tendency for the entire leg to rotate inwards at the hip joint. The latter two of these usually need no treatment. A hooked or curved foot may need corrective shoes. See your pediatrician or an orthopedist. Most 3 year olds fall a lot, so it may not be related to the in-toeing.
Answered 4/15/2015
My son is 3 years: He might have tight ligaments in his hip joints or increase in internal rotation of thigh/ leg bones/foot. Take him to a podiatrist who specializes in children. Good physical therapy and special devices that he can wear at night or serial casting can definitely help for kids under 3 Y.O. He is at the age when conservative tx heips, if someone tells you that he will outgrow this, they are wrong.
Answered 2/12/2013
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3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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