A member asked:

I am obese?

9 doctors weighed in across 6 answers
Dr. David Liu answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics

More detail: We would need to know your height, weight, and more usefully your waist and hip measurements before being able to make this assessment. The cdc has a useful calculator you can use, when you have this information: http://www.Cdc.Gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/english_bmi_calculator/bmi_calculator.Html.

Answered 7/12/2020


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

You can do some: Thing about it. Eat healthfully ; be physically active. Aim for 7.5 to 8 hrs of sleep / night. Hydrate w at least 64 oz of water / day. Calories burned must > calories consumed. Do both cardio ; weight training. You can mix ; match different kinds of physical exercise.

Answered 7/21/2015


Dr. Milton Alvis, jr answered

Specializes in Preventive Medicine

Loss Physically Easy: All living creatures are open systems: i.e. all atoms we are made of keep changing, some rapid/some slow. Thus if we eat & store less than loose daily, wt. will go down. Calories: zero wt.; thus counting largely pointless. Track Wt. daily to 0.1 lb., after up&toilet, & review what eaten previous day to learn what works. Carbs/sugar most prone to store as fat. Fats (of natural origin) least stored!

Answered 5/18/2014



See yourMD: See your md for help to get started on a change in your life style..Stop you sugar and carbs..Cardio for exercise drink water each day is new so do not quit. See www.Weighstation.Net for some help..Newsletters and faq's.

Answered 1/28/2017


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

There is Hope!: Eat healthfully ; be physically active. Aim for 7.5 to 8 hrs of sleep / night. Hydrate w at least 64 oz of water / day. Calories burned must > calories consumed. Do both cardio ; weight training. You can mix ; match different kinds of physical exercise. This site helps determine calories burned for > 100 activities: http://www.Prohealth.Com/weightloss/tools/exercise/calculator1_2.Cfm.

Answered 12/1/2017


Dr. Milton Alvis, jr answered

Specializes in Preventive Medicine

Loss Physically Easy: All living creatures are open systems: i.e. all atoms we are made of keep changing, some rapid/some slow. Thus if we eat & store less than loose daily, wt. will go down. Calories: zero wt.; thus counting largely pointless. Track Wt. daily to 0.1 lb., after up & toilet, & review what eaten previous day to learn what works. Carbs most prone to store as fat. Fats (of natural origin) least stored.

Answered 5/18/2014



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