Probably ibuprofen: Nsaid medicines (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories) all come with risks. I want to make sure you are receiving guidance on how to take these medicines from your physician. All nsaids can cause gastritis (inflamed lining of stomach), peptic ulcers, and kidney dysfunction. They can also increase your risk of bleeding.
Answered 9/3/2019
What kind of pain?: Do not take medication unless assessed by your doctor. You asked about taking certain number of medicines a day which depends on half lives of medicines, i.e. During each half life, blood level drops to half, then to 1/4, 1/8, & so on. Ibuprofen: half-life: 2.2-2.4h , paracetamol: 2 hours, indomethacin: 4.5 hours. You can take more tablets if the half life is less. Please your doctor.
Answered 12/7/2015
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