A member asked:

I had multiplanar mri&impresion:chondromalacia of medial trochlear cartilage.moderate popliteal cyst with mild joint effusion.pes anserine bursitis, prepatellar&intrapat bursitis? whats the treatment?thanks

10 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. David Bailie answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Depends: Start with anti-inflammatory meds and rehab. An injection can help pes bursitis but not tendinitis. Have qualified surgeon look at MRI to make sure it was read properly. If all else fails, surgery on some of these can helps. Most feel better with rehab.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Warren Strudwick answered

Specializes in Sports Medicine

Chondromalacia: Chondromalacia is damage to the cartilage surfaces of joints. In the knee it's similar to the wearing away of tire treads. This can cause inflammation which can produce increased fluid in the knee (effusion). If you have minimal pain and no locking, strengthening your thigh and leg muscles is recommended. Icing and anti inflammatories and pt can be helpful. Arthroscopy is recommended with locking.

Answered 6/21/2019



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