A member asked:

For many many years i've had digestive problems i become constipated quite often. lately i haven't been having bowel movements like i should and every?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Start with fiber: Even when you think you are getting plenty of fiber in your diet, most people could benefit from an extra 5-10 grams of insoluble fiber like psyllium or methylcellulose, common ingrediants in things like metamucil or konsyl. Start with fiber, water, and the occasional stool softener. Use laxatives as a last resort.

Answered 4/22/2017


Dr. Eric Kaplan answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Change your diet and: Fluids. Eat a high fiber diet between 20-25 grams per day, regular meal times and drink 80-100 oz of caffeine free alcohol free fluids daily. If you exercise and should add 20 oz per 30 minutes of strenuous exercise. Some meds contribute to constipation so take the meds with full glass of fluid instead of a sip in addition to the above recommended fluids.

Answered 12/9/2013



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