While there are: Characteristic rashes in sle, this is not required for diagnosis. Utis are not associated.
Answered 1/1/2013
Yes: Lupus can present itself with several clinical manifestations: rash, joint pains, non specific fatigue, myalgias, etc., etc. While all these clinical symptoms give some clue for further investigation; none of these is a ' must have' for making the diagnosis. The definitive diagnosis is made through serology.
Answered 1/3/2013
Yes: Lupus is a systemic diseases , can affect various organs. Rash is usually early symptom, but not always. UTI is not always a common manifestation, however urine analysis can have abnormalities which may look like UTI. Lupus affects kidney and can cause abnormalities in urine analysis
Answered 1/18/2015
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