A member asked:

How many calories can bicycling 2 miles at a steady pace burn?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Depends: This depends on body weight, speed, up or down hill and type of equipment used lets say you ride on level ground on a good road bike. No wind. You can calculate based on these formulas for various speeds10 mph -- 0.17 calories/pound; 15 mph -- 0.2 calories/pound; 20 mph -- 0.25 calories/pound; 25 mph -- 0.3 calories/pound; and 30 mph -- 0.38 calories/pound. Read mo.

Answered 3/26/2013


Dr. John Thaler answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

Far Less: Far less than you might imagine. All depends on cadence, resistance and time. There are tables to estimate this, but weight is a factor because it will relate to work done to move it. No easy calculation. Let's just say less than 2 chocolate chip cookies worth. (USAT Level 1 coach)

Answered 5/30/2015



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