A member asked:

I have one ruptured disc and two torn discs. epidurals have never worked, is surgery my best chance for pain relief?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not necessarily: Surgery should be used if progressive nerve or spinal cord problems, and especially if bladder gets involved, but not the best idea to control pain, as postop scarring may make things far worse. A european study showed disc shrinkage at 9-10 months if no surgery. Try to learn mckenzie back exercises from a quality physical therapist, and consider starting your exercise in a pool first.

Answered 12/6/2012


Dr. Edwin Perez answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

Pain: 6/10 people w no back pain have a bad MRI . This means the pain may not be from the discs.

Answered 6/10/2014



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