A member asked:

My head starts to feel very pressured, my ears start ringing, and i get weak and dizzy- is this a migraine?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Maybe: If you have a history of migraines.. Yes.. This could be migraine. If there is any associated hearing loss... This may be related to dysfunction of your inner ear as well. If you have other neurologic symptoms... Slurred speech/ weakness in your arms or legs... I'd be concerned about stroke.

Answered 2/13/2012


Dr. Brett Noorda answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Possibly: Those are all common symptoms related to migraines, but are not definitive and could be from something else. You should see a physician, get examined, get a solid diagnosis, and begin finding a treatment or solution. You may want to consider teeth clenching/grinding as a possible cause as all of these symptoms can come from that, too. So maybe see your dentist as well.

Answered 2/12/2013



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