A member asked:

What is the sestamibi treadmill stress test?

11 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Nuclear Cardiology: I believe you are referring to a cardiac nuclear stress test. This test involves two scans of the heart - at rest and 'stressed' - using the radioactive isotope technitium sestambi 99, aka Cardiolite or myoview. Contrast is used for both scans. The treadmill portion is the stress is also known as an exercise stress test. The patient will walk until achieving and maintaining a target heart rate.

Answered 7/12/2017



Nuclear study: This is a nuclear medicine test that tells your physician about your heart function. A small amount of nuclear tracer is given right after/during running on a treadmill followed by a scan. This is compared to a similar scan performed at a separate time under resting conditions. Any decreased area of tracer uptake in the heart during stress compared to rest indicates a possible artery block.

Answered 7/12/2017



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