A member asked:

Should i be worries about my untreated melanome that has been unoticed or treated in 10+ years i am 23 years old and had an apendectimy/appendix surgery a few weeks ago. after surgery doc asked me how long the "melanoma" spot on my right lower lung has be

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Hello. : Hello. This information comes directly from the american academy of dermatology. Asymmetry: if the mole has asymmetry (one half is unlike the other half). Border: the border is irregular, scalloped or poorly defined. Color: the color is varied and has shades of tan, brown or black; is sometimes white, red or blue. Diameter: the diameter is more than 6 mm (the size of a pencil eraser). Evolving: a mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or color. If you have an irregular mole that itches, bleed or is painful, that can be worrisome for possible skin cancer. I don't know if you have a malignant melanoma or not. It sounds like the surgeon believes that you have a spot that looks suspicious for malignant melanoma. Yes, if untreated, a maligna melanoma normally spreads. However, a person could have a mole on their skin for a really long time, that eventually begins to change over time. That doesn't mean that it was always malignant. I do recommend that you follow the advice of the general surgeon who operated on you. Even if you don't have health care insurance, it is still imperative that the lesion be biopsied/ removed.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Mohamed Ahmed answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Any : Any suspeciouse skin lession should be biopsied and do hope that your concerned surgeon would do that for you, i know i would.

Answered 10/3/2016



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