Days : Days port is approved by the fda for use and is considered safe when used by a properly trained provider. Dr. Edwards.
Answered 10/3/2016
Dysport : Dysport is similar to Botox and both are safe! both of these products have been used many thousands of times for cosmetic improvement of wrinkles. The safety has be proven in extensive testing and both are fda approved. No serious complications have been reported when they are used for cosmetic purposes. I have used Botox in my practice now for over 10 years with out a single serious complication. Temporary drooping of the eyelid has been reported and does rarely occur. It can be corrected using special eyedrops until the drooping disappears.
Answered 10/3/2016
Dysport : Dysport is as safe as Botox or myoblock in the hands of an experienced physician. No serious complications should occur when any of these products are being used. Good luck from nyc. For more info visit www.Drgrossman.Com.
Answered 10/4/2016
Very safe: In the hands of an experienced, qualified injector, Dysport is very safe. Most common side effects are bruising and swelling. If injected improperly, Dysport (and botox) and caused eyelid droop or weakness to other muscles nearby the injection site. These side effects are not reversible by any treatment but will subside with time (3-4 months).
Answered 6/25/2014
Very very: Safe few reported complications virtually none long term.
Answered 9/10/2013
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