A member asked:

Totally allergic to botox. xeomin (incobotulinumtoxin a) and dysport, after having used it with no problems for about 5 years i will gladly pay after having found a solution?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. John Chiu answered

Consult allergist: Although I am not aware of any study on desensitizing one to these medications, theoretically it can be attempted by an allergist just prior to the procedure if the reaction was not an anaphylactic one. One may also consider premedication with prednisone and antihistamine. Since this is a cosmetic procedure, the hassle may not be worth it. Talk to a plastic surgeon for alternate options.

Answered 5/14/2018


Dr. Anifat Balogun answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Neuromod allergies: What reactions did you have to the three botulinum toxins? Same for all three? Agree with consultation with allergist to review your reactions and determine side effects vs. allergy. Good Luck!

Answered 9/30/2019



Pay after ??????????: Why should any physician ever agree to see or treat anyone who requests use of their time/training/expertise based on payment only after you approve of outcome? Would you ask the same of the person who delivers your baby, digs your ditch, changes your tire? Your frustration is a real issue, but this expectation is a bit far fetched.

Answered 11/25/2019



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