High : High blood pressure is only an emergency if there are symptoms such as change in mental status, level of consciousness, or neurological symptoms like weakness, difficulty speaking or visual changes. If these occur the patient should be seen immediately in an emergency room. Blood pressure is often highest in the morning, as a part of the "diurnal variation" with release of hormones to wake you up. Blood pressure needs to be monitored repeatedly to decide if treatment is appropriate. You should record multiple readings from different times of the day, and bring this log to your doctor.
Answered 10/3/2016
Hypertension in AM: As you are a 60 year old woman, i will assume that your mother is > 80. She may have isolated systolic hypertension. What is her BP later on in the day? If she has no symptoms, such as a headache or blurred vision, she needs no immediate er attention. Speak to her physician (p) about the dose and types of BP she is on. She needs to be on maximum doses of them. Good luck.
Answered 6/10/2014
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