It : It sounds like you should get a medical opinion since self-treatment isn't working. If the swelling and pain is on the lateral (outer) part of the ankle and if you can comfortably weight bear, it probably is a sprain. If the findings aren't in this area, step 1 is to get an x-ray to rule out fracture. Depending on the diagnosis, physical therapy can be very helpful. A therapist can help you reduce swelling, restore motion, build strength, and restore proprioception. This should be followed by a functional progression which is a graded program to help you make the transition from simple exercises to more complex, sport-specific movements. Your ability to complete all of these tasks indicates when you are ready to retrun to your normal activities. By the way, bag the heat. It just makes your ankle swell more.
Answered 10/3/2016
May not be healed.: If you still have pain, it may not be healed yet. Have your feet evaluated by a professional and get the appropriate treatment.
Answered 3/24/2014
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