A member asked:

Can carpel tunnel cause both hands to turn freezing cold? i have been having my arms at night fall asleep and get the pins and needles and numb feeling in both arms. for the last week my hands ache they feel almost swollen like and my sensation in my fing

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. David Ring answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Nerves : Nerves control blood flow, so your symptoms are consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a stuctural, geneticly mediated (you were programmed to get it at birth) compression of the nerve. Swelling (e.g. With pregnancy) can bring out more symptoms, but does not cause the problem. I'm not aware the contraceptives cause symptoms.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

There : There has been a lot written about non-occupational risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome. In one study out of boston about 11-12 years ago in fact it was determined that women who took birth control pills had an increased incidence of carpal tunnle compared to women who did not. The problem with a lot of studies is that while statistically it seems to implicate certain behaviors or co medical conditions or medications it doesnt help you as an individual trying to do what is right for yourself. Remember that a study like that offers guidance as a risk factor but may not imply a direct cause. There are a lot of coincidences too. Tingling and numbness in the hand can be from carpal tunnel but aching, coldness can occur form that or other issues. As far as stopping or starting birth control, talk with your doctor. Your neurologist should be able to clarify whether you have carpal tunnel or not and ifyou are not getting success with the treatment offered maybe you want to ask your neurologist about an emg/nerve conduction study or perhaps see a hand surgeon in your area. If your curiuos you can look at the one of the styudies I am talking about, but none of these dtudies offer a direct cause and effect ie you can't say bcp lead to cts just that its been identified as a factor in this one study in this one population ( the people studied).

Answered 10/3/2016



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