A member asked:

Why does my back hurt when i drink? i don't drink alcohol often, but when i drink certain drinks, the middle of my back hurts so badly that i am sometime paralyzed in pain. i can drink beer, wine, and most liquirs fine. i cannot drink any pre-mixed drink

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Sometimes : Sometimes abdominal pain is referred to the back. You could be having gerd (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), or symptoms of an ulcer. Ulcer pain can cause pain in the back. Ulcers can be caused by or worsened by alcohol intake. You could also be having inflammation of your pancreas (pancreatitis). Your body seems sensitive to alcohol so you should minimize alcohol intake. Please see a physician to have your symptoms thoroughly evaluated. If you have increased pain, vomiting, vomiting blood, or light-headedness, then you would have to be seen as an emergency.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. James Rotchford answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

That's a curious one: I've never heard of this so i can only make conjectures...Could it be gall bladder pain coming from mixed drinks with milk or fat products? Perhaps there's an explanation in chinese medicine? I don't even know what kind of regular md i would recommend to see. Perhaps start with your primary care provider and see if any clues come up with standard labs, exam, or history..

Answered 12/20/2013



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