A member asked:

How much rough housing is normal for two brothers, or do they actually hate each other?

12 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Sibling rivalry: We all know innocent sibling rivalry exists. But when it gets to a point where there is either physical or emotional concerns then one should be worried. I don't know ages of your children, if they are old enough, you can sit and have a talk with them, either alone or together.

Answered 10/4/2016



Keep things safe: One important thing is for families to have clear rules about hurtful behavior.It should not be allowed. You need to take a more active role in teaching and limit setting. Your children may be developing very bad habits.

Answered 7/5/2012



Behavior probs: With raising our kids, we did not tolerate any behavior if it crossed the line and became violent. I published a book on kindle called parenting the kids according to a child psychiatrist which could really help you. I suggest doing whatever it takes, to stop the violence, if it is going on in your home. We never used physical punishments with our kids.

Answered 2/6/2012



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