A member asked:

Loose black stools should i be worried felt nauseated at first. ate food and threw up and had abdomen pain. took some milk of magnesium relief pain some what. but then i began to have dark loose stools. seems lilke every thing i eat goes straight through

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

The : The stool colors we get really concerned about are red (blood from colon), black (blood from small intestine or stomach), or white (liver is not working well). Other things besides blood can cause black stools such as iron, pepto-bismal, black licorice and blueberries. Unfortunately, with your other symptoms, I do think you should give your doctor a call. They will be able to test your stool for blood and work up your illness from there depending on the result. Good luck!

Answered 8/29/2018



GI Problems: Yes, loose black stools indicate blood. Please be evaluated asap.

Answered 8/29/2018



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