A member asked:

Whats conditions cause numb burning pain on left side? i've had numbness and burning pain 24-7 on left side for 3 years been to many drs .still have yet found out a cause .i juss live with burning pain n sensitive to hot and cold .muscles in left leg gett

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Have : Have you seen a neurologist? Have you had a nerve conduction study? Have you tried any medications for nerve pain like Neurontin or lyrica (pregabalin)? Since you are also experiencing muscle weakness you may benefit from a muscle biopsy. Please don't give up, continue to seek care until you find answers. You may want to find a doctor at a large teaching hospital. They typically have more experience with difficult cases since they have such a large patient base. I hope you find answers soon.

Answered 11/21/2019



Neuropathic pain: Your symptoms suggest that you may have had some pathology in the right brain and subsequently developed the burning pain on left side. Regardless of whether a brain lesion was or is found the symptoms still suggest neuropathic pain. See a pain management specialist and who is also a neurologist.

Answered 11/19/2013



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