For : For deep pitted acne scars, punch excision of the worst pitted lesions can be helpful and then combine that with either dermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser resurfacing. Resurfacing treatments are really more suited towards towards treatment of "boxcar" or shallow scars. To improve shallower scars, an option would be a medium depth chemical peel or laser resurfacing with either an erbium or co2 laser. The laser treatments might be expensive but over several treatments can improve your scars. I would seek consultation with a dermatologist (perhaps two different ones to allow price and experience comparison) and ask about these options.
Answered 10/3/2016
Fractional laser: No known treatment will "eliminate" acne scars. Fractional laser resurfacing has become one of the most effective treatments for acne scars. Chemical peels and total surface laser resurfacing are less effective. Excising isolated, deep, pitted scars before fractional resurfacing is helpful when needed.
Answered 3/26/2013
Acne scar treatment: Depending on your skin type, CO2 fractional resurfacing or similar can be beneficial for improving acne scarring. Now there are very promising improvements seen with INFINI bipolar microneedling fractional radiofrequency with and without Bellafill injections into residual scars. Check your area for doctors who offer INFINI treatments.
Answered 10/4/2017
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