A member asked:

I have "compartment syndrome of thigh muscles" . how do i find a specialist for treating it.also for "greater trochanteric synd injuries involved ankles, knees, hips, with strain to soft tissues of both legs which was followed by upper and lower swellin

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Geoffrey Rutledge answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

You : You will likely see your primary care physician to discuss your specific symptoms. Then, you will be referred to a specialist such as an orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine doctor who can help you and develop a treatment regimen for you. Be prepared to discuss your medications, the onset of the syndrome, how this is affecting your daily life, and your specific symptoms.

Answered 10/3/2016



Go to the ER: Compartment syndrome in my opinion as a general surgeon is a surgical emergency. Seek help immediately.

Answered 7/7/2013



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