A member asked:

I have a clogged swimmers ear how do i get rid of it i used two drops and one is a pain reliever and one is an antiobotic i used motrin and advil (ibuprofen)

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Ciprodex ear drops: As an ear surgeon, i only use quinolone ear drops. An example of this type of drop would be Ciprodex which is a combination of Ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone. Most swimmers ear responds to this within 3 days. Typically still have you finish a 7 day course. Additionally, if your ear canal skin is very swollen your doc may need to place a wick in the ear canal to allow the drops to enter the ear.

Answered 11/25/2014



Fungal: Sometimes patients may also have fungal ear infection requiring oral or topical treatment.

Answered 3/10/2013



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