A member asked:

I've been taking 2400mg of advil (ibuprofen) a day for 2 months everytime i get a headache now i'm getting heartburn & pain in stomach. how do i get rid of it?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Corey Clay answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

Rebound?: Phenomenon is known as rebound headache and occurs when you use daily meds to treat the original headache. Its a vicious cycle. The headache worsens whenever you haven't taken the meds. You become dependent. This amount of Advil (ibuprofen) will also harm protective lining in the stomach. You need to see a physician urgently to 1) work up potential headache causes, 2) adjust pain management plan, 3) treat gut

Answered 11/12/2015



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