A member asked:

Will a nuclear stress test make me radioactive? im having a nuclear stress test, and i need to know if its safe for me to babysit my grandkids after it? will i be radioactive? could i be dangerous to the kids?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Marko Yakovlevitch answered

Specializes in Cardiology

You : You will be sufficiently radioactive to set off alarms at airports, ferry terminals, and border crossings. The sensitivity of these devices is high on purpose. However, the amount of radiation a patient emits after a cardiac nuclear scan is not considered dangerous to others. Notice that the technologists who perform these tests do not wear lead or other radiation protection and they are around "radioactive" patients every day. For the sake of completeness, however, i will add that pregnant women should not undergo this test and anyone who thinks they might be pregnant should have a pregnancy test before having any kind of radionuclide scan.

Answered 2/13/2020


Dr. Daniel Zanger answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Radioactive: You will be radioactive for 24 to 48 hours avoid holding small children . The key is keeping distance the effects of the isotope diminish on s log scale when you stand 4 to six ft away.

Answered 2/13/2020



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