A member asked:

What does it mean when a thyroid has a solid complex and solid mass? i was told i had small nodules on the left side of my thryoid. on the right side, there is a large complex mass and liquid nodule. what does mean?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Masses : Masses in thyroids are common. Some are cysts (fluid filled spaces), some are solid, and some are "complex" (containing both solid and fluid components}. Most thyroid nodules are harmless, however some can represent overactive areas of the gland and can result in hyperthyroidism, and about 5% of all nodules represent thyroid cancers. If someone has one or more thyroid nodules they should have their thyroid hormone level checked. If that is normal, then any nodules larger than 1 cm in size should be tested by a procedure called a "fine needle aspiration" to check for any chance it is a cancer.

Answered 1/29/2018



Likely benign: Thyroid lesions are classified as solid or cystic or a combination of both. If its over 1 cm in size, it should have a needle biopsy with ultrasound guidance.

Answered 11/28/2017



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