A member asked:

How much time does it usually take to recover after diverticulitis surgery?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

4-6 weeks: Depending on whether the surgery is laparoscopic or open changes the recovery. Typically my patients are home after 4-5 days and back doing usual activity 3 weeks later. If the surgery was open - requiring an old fashioned incision - the stay is 5-7 days and it is 4-6 weeks of recovery.

Answered 6/15/2018


Dr. Eric Kaplan answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Can vary: To some extent on whether the procedure was done laparoscopically or open laparotomy, whether there were any complications and co morbid conditions the patient may have. Generally 6 weeks should be adequate to resume full unrestricted activity.

Answered 9/7/2017



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