Diet and pressure : You are asking about diverticulitis. The cause is not completely known. It is known to be an outpouching of the colon and does not contain all layers so it is a pseudo aneurysm. Diet poor in fiber may contribute. Pressure exerted may also play a role. We know that as you age you are more likely to have diverticulitis. Many people have it but are asymptomatic.
Answered 5/10/2013
Infection: Small out-pouches form on the outside of the colon, most often in the left lower abdomen. Infection of these pouches is diverticulitis. Prevent by eating high fiber foods, avoid junk foods, avoid constipation, drink plenty of liquids, take fiber supplements such as metamucil. Surgery to remove part of the colon is only for multiple episodes of recurrent infections, colon stricturing, bleeding.
Answered 3/10/2016
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