Elevate it.: Elevation and immobilization will both help reduce your pain. The more you elevate, the less you swell, and the less you swell, the less you hurt. Elevation and following the directions given with your prescribed pain medication will reduce your pain as quickly as possible. Depending on your injury, you may be sore for awhile as it heals, though.
Answered 5/27/2019
Depending on site: Depending on site of fx. You should be non-weight-bearing with crutches. Pain should subside with in a couple of days.
Answered 5/2/2013
It depends: It depends on the severity of the injury. Try to rest and elevate the foot and leg to keep the welling to a minimum. Reduce the swelling and you will minimize the pain.
Answered 9/28/2016
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5 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
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