A member asked:

Is there a stronger option than oxycodone for pain control after a tonsillectomy?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ron Jones answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

There is no answer: Treatment of acute or chronic pain should always be highly individualized. What is effective for one individual may not be effective for another. A multitude of factors play a role in the response to agents used to treat pain.

Answered 12/4/2014


Dr. Joseph De Santi answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Pick your Pain Pill: Oxycodone works differently in different people. Because of variability between people and their pain receptors, different opioids are worth trying if you feel your pain is not significantly better. Your physician may first try increasing the dose or shortening the dosing interval. If this fails to work, your physician can consider a switch to another agent which may work profoundly better.

Answered 7/2/2015



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