The same for any: Surgery, infection which is not very common and the risk of the anesthesia and finally the risk of failure of the procedure.
Answered 11/17/2012
Infection, : Infection, swelling , bleeding, stiffness etc tendon adherance, rupture, weakness there are specific risks depending on location as well. For each type of surgery there are also specific issues that need to be discussed with the operating hand surgeon.
Answered 12/9/2013
Many: Infection, neuromas ulnar injury, rupture of repairs, non-healing fractures, implant failures, pain, stiffness, and the need for additional surgery.
Answered 9/16/2013
Please specify: Please specify what type of hand surgery as risks, benefits and limitations are specific to each surgery. Your Hand surgeon will review these with you prior to making a decision as to what surgery or non-surgical treatment will benefit you the most.
Answered 4/26/2015
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