See below: Unlikely. The ct scan is, as i understand, for the most part, shows more detail than ultrasound, but i would like to see an answer from a radiologist or surgeon.
Answered 1/5/2019
Yes: Yes it can, there are things like gallbladder stones or different kind of cysts that can be seen and assessed much better on ultrasound versus ct scan.
Answered 11/14/2012
Gallbladder dz: Approximately 30% of gallstones are not visible on ct. Sludge is better seen on us and gallbladder inflammation can sometimes be better seen on us.
Answered 3/12/2020
See below: Yes. Ct scan is, as i understand, for the most part, shows more detail than ultrasound, but as mentioned in the other responses, us is more specific for gall bladder issues.
Answered 2/23/2016
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