A member asked:

I had an ultrasound done of the abdomen and they found an isoechoic lesion of the lateral left hepatic lobe, it measured 4cm. does isoechoic mean a solid mass? my ultrasound was done because i was experiencing lower back pain and bloating.

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Michael Gabor answered

Specializes in Diagnostic Radiology

Isoechoic: is a descriptive term that means the lesion is similar in grayness/brightness to adjacent liver tissue. It does imply a solid lesion, however. Most of these incidental liver masses in your age group, assuming no history of cancer, turn out to be benign, usually hemangiomas. You made need to have an additional test, usually CT or MRI, to show that it is a hemangioma vs something else

Answered 3/25/2022



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