A member asked:

Is it possible to finance cosmetic surgery with bad credit?

5 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. John Di Saia answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Yes, but....: It is harder as most of the financing agencies will look at your credit of course.

Answered 9/9/2013



Yes: We have patients that secure financing with bad credit. There is a program called no patient left behind. http://nopatientleftbehind.com/. There are also others like it but this one come to mind.

Answered 12/10/2013


Dr. Jeffrey Roth answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Yes, Depends on you.: Most plastic surgery offices work with companies that finance cosmetic surgery. With bad credit, expect to pay more in interest. Talk with the office manager at your plastic surgeon's office. They may be able to help guide you through the process.

Answered 12/26/2012



Better to Wait.: I advise my patients, who are financially in a difficult spot, to wait on having cosmetic surgery. Better to say for emergency fund etc. Remember, that complications may arise after surgery necessitating further surgery; additional costs may be involved beyond what you are expecting initially.

Answered 4/8/2013



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