Good home care: The best thing anyone can do to help try to prevent cavities in their teeth is to brush thoroughly at least twice a day(morning and night before sleep). Floss daily and do make regular visits to the dentists. The dentist also has thing he can do to help keep healthy...Like sealants.
Answered 1/20/2017
Cavities: The best way to prevent cavities is good oral hygiene including brushing and flossing, fluoride, and a health diet.
Answered 10/24/2012
Good Hygine : Brushing, flossing regularly at home than seeing your dentist regularly as well.
Answered 12/9/2013
Fluoride: In addition to your routine brushing and flossing make sure you are getting some fluoride. Check to see if it is in the water. If not, you may need additional supplement in a rinse or gel. Your dentist will have the details for your area.
Answered 2/23/2014
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