A member asked:

When my hcg levels didn't rise after 140, dr told me to expect a period for an early miscarriage. it was a light long period for two weeks. two weeks after i took a pg test and it immediately said pregnant. why is that? shouldn't my hcg levels be under 5

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

HCG: You still have HCG in the blood, could be ongoing pregnant, incomplete miscarriage, or possible ectopic pregnancy. No need to panic, but I have concern - check with your doctor again this week.

Answered 1/26/2020



Agree with Dr. H: You probably have retained products of conception and may need D&C. You should consult your doctor. Wish you good health!

Answered 1/26/2020



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