A member asked:

I think i have tendonitis. palm of hand is red and are sore. also wrist/hand part is also sore. also pain in front of shoulder possibly rotator cuff.?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Allen Lu answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Possibly: However, there is a whole spectrum of problems in and around the shoulder that can be involved: from pinched nerves in your neck, to biceps tendinitis, to rotator cuff tears. All of these may cause swelling that travels down to the hands, causing pain and difficulty. Because of this, a thorough history and examination would prove quite valuable.

Answered 10/30/2012


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

It : It is hard to fully understand your description of symptoms such as these without further information regarding the diagnosis given thus far but there are several nerve related problems that can turn on or turn up the signal in nerves giving pain and discomfort. A peripheral neurpathy can be due to a variety of things, rsd can be ralted to an injured nerve or nerves, hormonal and metabolic problems including thyroid diseease and diabetes can affect circulation, nerve tissue and dryness of skin. Circulation conditions and temperture realted disorders can occur. Smoking can bring on a certain level of problems as well as certain medications it is equally inport to rule out anything focal such as a peripheral nerve compression like carpal tunnel or cubital tunnel or a simple tendonitsi that aslo may be acting as an underlying trigger for your problem. Talk to your physician about seeing a specialist or two with the idea that they may not solve your issue directly but can rule out some otherwise simpler diagnoses.

Answered 12/10/2012



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